Instant Life Insurance Quotes

Instant Life Insurance Quotes

As independent advisors, our goal is to match you up with the insurance plan and company to suit your needs and budget. Use this tool to check the pricing for your own coverage. While we may not always recommend the lowest priced option, we believe in transparency, and it is important to see how your options can vary between insurers. Remember that each of the unique factors of your life and health history can result in different pricing or eligibility from various insurance companies.

Follow the below instructions in order to see the appropriate rates. This is only a tool to help illustrate some of your options. Please consult with us to review all of your options before making a decision.

Tips for using this tool


If you have used tobacco within the past 12 months, you are considered a smoker. Note that there are new rules regarding marijuana use. Casual marijuana users can be considered non-smokers.


There are 3 options to choose from:

  • Regular – Most people fall into this category, and this is where we suggest starting your quoting.
  • Preferred and Preferred Plus – rates are available once you have been approved by the insurance company. Based on factors such as health history, build, family history and lifestyle, you can qualify for one of these ratings, and corresponding reduction in premiums.


Here you can select from various Term and Permanent insurance policy types. Term Insurance can be purchased for a fixed length of time. The most common are 10 Year and 20 Year Level Term. Whole Life, Universal Life (U/L T100), and Term to 100 are all types of Permanent policies, and can be paid for life, or for a fixed period of time, with coverage continuing for life.